2019 Annual Report: A Wildly Successful Year
2019 was a wildly successful year for local conservation: 10 properties, totaling 328 acres, were permanently protected on Whidbey and Camano islands.
A Natural Wonder is Saved on Camano Island
Jerry Nielsen is eternally grateful that a beautiful piece of Camano Island will remain forever wild. Nielsen deeply appreciates the efforts of the Land Trust to permanently protect this iconic place.
Images from Earth Day Cleanup
In an effort to do something a little extra in celebration of Earth Day, we hit the beach along the Keystone Spit near Coupeville on April 20 and participated in the community beach cleanup program.
Images from Barnum Point Donor Tour
Click on the image above to view an interactive slideshow capturing some of the best photos from the August 2017 donor tour of Barnum Point.
Leaving a Legacy of Land and Water
Judy Lynn believes all beaches should be public land. By donating her tidelands to the Whidbey Camano Land Trust, she’s doing her part to ensure future generations will have access to the islands’ coastal lands.