

We’re thrilled to share exciting Land Trust news and keep you up-to-date with our quarterly newsletters, including our informative Annual Reports. Enjoy!

Whirlwind of Protections

October proved to be a busy one for the Land Trust and a fruitful one for Island County conservation. Since our last eNews, three land protection projects have been successfully completed, totaling nearly 190 freshly protected acres!

Maximize Your Giving

Over 26 million people work for companies with matching gift programs. Are you one of them? Employee giving is a powerful way to contribute! Many companies match donations dollar-for-dollar or volunteer time (looking at you, Microsoft!), or even triple the gift (hello, Gates Foundation). Chat with your employer about your options to maximize giving! You […]

2025 Calendars Now Available!

Enjoy delightful images of island wildlife and natural landscapes in the Land Trust’s 2025 Calendar. It’s available now at local retail outlets.

Flames of Renewal

For thousands of years, controlled burns have been a part of the Whidbey Island landscape. Our rarest ecosystems, prairies and oak savannas are dependent on regular burning intervals averaging two to four years.

Bees In Your Native Garden

How You Can Help Protect These Vital Insects Bees are pollination heroes of the native garden. While non-native honey bees get all the attention, native bees (more than 600 species in Washington) pollinate the majority of bee-pollinated flowers, fruit trees and vegetables. Bees efficiently gather pollen from a particular species’ flowers and faithfully deliver the […]

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Check out our new Strategic Plan!

Trillium Restoration Continues

A second round of thinning — to get to 125 trees per acre — is now underway.

Keystone Preserve Paid Off

We have some really great news to share with you! In less than two years, the Whidbey Camano Land Trust has fully paid off the beautiful Keystone Preserve property in Central Whidbey.

Share Your Input for the Future of Keystone Preserve!

What’s in store for the future at Keystone Farm and Forest Preserve? As we develop the management plan, we invite you to take part in the journey ahead by sharing your vision for this preserve! Click the button below to share your thoughts.


Volunteer with us

Get out in nature! Make new friends! Find out what great land stewardship is all about. The Land Trust is always on the lookout for people who are as passionate about caring for land as we are.

Sign up today!