A powerful way to make a lasting difference

kids waving

Protecting your land is one of the finest legacies a person can leave to future generations.

The Whidbey Camano Land Trust works with landowners who want to protect properties with significant conservation values, such as wildlife habitat, wetlands and streams, forests, coastal areas, and farmlands.

We use two main methods:

Working With Landowners

When a landowner contacts us, we discuss the benefits of conservation as well as the landowner’s goals. We talk about their concerns and answer their questions. We investigate how the property characteristics fit with our objectives and if they do, whether it should involve acquisition of fee-simple or a conservation easement. We respect the privacy of those who work with us, so we always keep these conversations confidential.

Project Evaluation

If the Land Trust and a landowner agree to pursue a potential project, Land Trust staff will first visit the property and talk further with the landowner. If both parties are still interested, we will schedule a visit to the property with the Land Trust’s project evaluation committee. The committee will consider the conservation values of the land, how it fits with the Land Trust’s mission and priorities, the method of acquisition (e.g., donation or purchase), the initial estimated cost, public benefit, long-term management costs, and other issues.

The committee will then make a recommendation to the Board of Directors if its determination is that the Land Trust should pursue protection of the property. If the board approves, the Land Trust staff will begin working with the landowner to develop the project. If it is not a donation, we will simultaneously pursue funding, through grants and/or private donations. Depending on the complexity of the deal, a transaction may take anywhere from nine months to three years or more to complete. Transactions that require a purchase of property or conservation easement always take a lot longer than donations of property or conservation easements.

First Step: Contact Us

If you’re interested in protecting your land, please contact Kurt Schlimme, our Conservation Director. Kurt may be reached at kurt@wclt.org or 360.222.3310.


Volunteer with us

Get out in nature! Make new friends! Find out what great land stewardship is all about. The Land Trust is always on the lookout for people who are as passionate about caring for land as we are.

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