2019 Annual Report: A Wildly Successful Year

Possession Sound Preserve, near Clinton, was was protected by the Land Trust in 2019. The preserve will feature more than a half mile of natural shoreline. We’re working to open the preserve by late 2020.
The conservation results are in and you made the difference! It’s your generous financial support that keeps Whidbey and Camano islands wild and wonderful. Thank you! Below are just a few of the many great things that you helped make happen in 2019:
SAVED: Treasured Lands and Waters
In 2019, 10 properties, totaling 328 acres, were permanently protected on Whidbey and Camano islands, resulting in:
• More salmon habitat and a public viewing area at Dugualla Bay Preserve.
• Forest, wetland, and wildlife habitat added to Strawberry Point Preserve.
• A new coastal nature preserve along Possession Sound that benefits salmon and orcas and will create future public access to a long stretch of beach.
• Two scenic and historic family farms protected in Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve.
• A long stretch of forested shoreline along Saratoga Passage conserved with a marvelous, large wetland that is home to breeding Western toads, river otters, beavers and a variety of birds, including concentrations of waterfowl.
• A scenic forest property along Highway 20, connecting Libbey Road to Island County’s Kettles Trails County Park, that expands recreational opportunities.
In addition, five grants were secured in 2019 giving us funds to protect forest, farmland, natural areas and coastal shoreline.
Caring for Lands You’ve Protected

Stewardship specialist Kyle Ostermick-Durkee, center, and volunteers Colleen Skinner, left, Sue Payton, Bob Payton and Nancy South take a break from watering young native trees and shrubs planted at Silliman Preserve on South Whidbey in July. Land Trust volunteers donated more than 4,500 hours in 2019 – an all-time high.
Conserved properties need to be cared for over the long term, and sometimes restored, to improve ecological benefits. Our stewardship highlights in 2019 included:
• Developing future hiking trails across farm and forest landscapes with incredible vistas.
• Volunteers donating more than 4,500 hours in 2019 (an all-time high!) and accomplishing amazing stewardship work. This included a new trail at Trillium Community Forest bypassing a paved road.
• Creating more opportunities for volunteers and seeing the number of volunteers and site stewards grow.
• Restoring forest, prairie and wetland habitats.
Connecting You to Nature and Community

Fourth graders from Coupeville Elementary School spot a bald eagle during a Land Trust field trip at Admiralty Inlet Preserve last spring.
It’s important for you and others to enjoy what you’ve helped to protect. Highlights from last year included:
• Kids being connected to nature with field trips and school activities.
• A new website with an interactive map showcasing our protected properties and the ones you can visit.
• Two member picnics, a holiday open house and a thank-you event for Conservation Partners, all sponsored by local businesses.
• A ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opening newly expanded Barnum Point County Park.
• Presenting informative nature talks for members with plenty of time to mingle.
• Hosting 23 nature tours and talks so people could learn about otters, ospreys, bats, fungi, prairies, archeology and much more at our nature preserves, increasing climate resiliency and improving wildlife habitat.