
We continually strive to operate as efficiently and responsibly as possible as we meet our mission of protecting the best of Whidbey and Camano Islands.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors. Our Tax ID Number is 91-1261928.

Accreditation = Nonprofit Excellence

We are accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. This means that we meet national standards for excellence in upholding public trust and ensuring the land we conserve is permanently protected.

To learn more please visit the Accreditation Commission.


Our Audit Committee oversees an annual audit by an independent accounting firm. A review of our financial practices was part of our accreditation process.


We take a proactive and strategic approach to land conservation and are recognized widely for our effective and ambitious land protection and stewardship work. Our Land Protection Plan guides us in our conservation work, outlining priority areas on which to focus our land protection and stewardship efforts.


Volunteer with us

Get out in nature! Make new friends! Find out what great land stewardship is all about. The Land Trust is always on the lookout for people who are as passionate about caring for land as we are.

Sign up today!